
quarta-feira, 15 de julho de 2015


Resultado de imagem para saudades

Have you ever tried to translate the word saudades? It is almost impossible. I have tried and took me a while to understand that this is a hard task. A study shows that the word saudades is the seventh most difficult word to translate. Many teachers say that there is no translation. The closest translation would be “I miss you”.

The reason why it is not easy to find an equivalent word in English for saudades is quite simple: it is not a verb but a feeling. And how can you translate a feeling? You can’t explain something you do not feel. It sounds dumb but you must feel it.

You may wonder if I am capable of doing that or if I can give you the right translation. Well, there is no right or wrong because like I said it is a feeling. And yes, I can help you because I am feeling it right now while I am writing these humble lines.I will give you some examples so you can have a slight idea of what it is.

She passed away 2 years ago and left a hole that will never be fulfilled. She was awesome. She was lovely to everybody. I miss her love and caring but what I miss the most is the pudding. I don’t miss the pudding itself but all the trouble she had to make it and in the end it was as hard as wood. Kkk… Oh, and I  remember when I went to her house she used to prepare some salad for me. Just for me. That got my brothers really mad and jealous. I miss that. I miss my mom.

He was a very nice guy, being funny and serious at the same time. He always took good care of us. We cannot complain about anything. My father loved watching soccer games. He was… how can I say this… it is so embarrassing… he was curintianu… aff… and I remember him in front of the TV cursing the players. That was funny. I used to say “you understand you are talking to the TV, right?” He got mad and cursed me too. That was hilarious. But one thing I do not understand. My father was curintianu and I am palmeirense. I can’t explain that. But I have to say that I am very glad for that. I love Palmeiras and today we are the champions of Copa do Brasil. Uhuuuuuuuuu…. Yeeeeesss…. We are the champions, my friend… and we’ll keep fighting till the end… We are the champions… Oh, sorry. As I was saying, I loved him. I miss watching soccer games on TV by his side. I miss my dad.

I cannot say I miss any pet in particular but I know people who still cry for their pets. It is really funny. They were really attached to the animal and every now and then they remember the good times they spent with their pets and just cry. A good example how a person can get close to an animal is the movie Marley. Marley is a dog that literally destroys the house of its owner. It is funny to see the battle between the woman and the dog. But in the end, when the dog dies, she feels it. She finally realizes how happy she was with Marley. She remembers the good moments they had together. And she misses him. She misses Marley. And this is just one example. If you talk to people, many of them will say they care more about their pets than to their friends or relatives. People who have pets miss them when they are gone.

Spectreman / Ultraseven
If you are younger than 30 you might not know Spectroman. Or Ultraseven. But if you are older, which is not my case, you know what I am talking about. Record used to broadcast them and I used to watch every single episode. I just loved it. I remember that after the program, my friends and I used to go to the street and play. We imagined that a monster was destroying our neighborhood and Spectroman and Ultraseven would save the day. Gosh, I miss that. I miss the programs. I miss my childhood friends.

Caverna do dragão (Dungeons and Dragons)
Even if you did not have the opportunity to watch it, you are aware of what I am talking about.  Dungeons and Dragons was a cartoon, a hit on Globo, more specifically within the program Turma da Xuxa. Oh My God. I woke up early just to watch the program and sing… “Quem quer pão quem quer pão quem quer pão que está quentinho tá quentinho tá quentinho tão gostosinho gostosinhogostosinho quero mais um... MAIS UM.” The song is still in my head. And the cartoon is one of the best ever. I will never forget Turma da Xuxa (He-man, She-ha, Paquitas) and Dugeons and Dragons. I miss them.

I loved going to school. I cannot say the same about my son. He is not what I can call a big fan of Math and Portuguese. But anyway, I am talking about my childhood and I must say again: I loved going to school. I loved my classmates, my notebooks, my pens, my pencils. I was a very organized student, different from the other boys, whose notebooks looked like trash. In fact, the teachers, more specifically my Portuguese teacher, used to say that my notebooks were so neat that they looked like a girl’s. She also said that my handwriting was too beautiful for a boy. It looked like a girl’s handwriting. Was I gay and did not know that? Aff… do not want to talk about it. And speaking of Portuguese teacher, I loved mine. Dona Janice. I wanted to marry her. Silly, right?But not for a 12-year-old boy. I miss her. And I also miss my Geography teacher (Dona Floripes), my Sciences teacher (a Japanese guy that I cannot recall his name), my Geometry teacher (a guy with a huge mustache. I wanted to have a mustache like his), etc. All good professionals. All excellent teachers. I loved them all. I miss them.

Bolinho de batata
As I already told you I loved going to school. I really did. Why? Because of the teachers, my friends, the games we used to play on the patio, my notebooks, my books, my Portuguese teacher and I cannot forget the ‘bolinho de batata’. Oh yes. On the street in front of the entrance school gate there was a woman who used to sell the most delicious ‘bolinho de batata’ of the whole universe. It was so good that we students used to fight for them. Why? Because we were irrational animals?Maybe. But we used to fight because in less than one minute the ‘bolinhos’ were gone. Imagine many children/teenagers together and waiting for the woman to arrive and set up her tent. The first glimpse of her there would be someone screaming ‘boooooolinho de batataaaaaaaaaaa’ and we would transform ourselves into wild beasts, fighting for it. Giving our blood for it. Sometimes even our lives. That’s right. A girl died trying to buy a ‘bolinho de batata’. Of course I am kidding. We were crazy but not that crazy. Well, I miss those bolinhos de batata.


Physical Education
One of the best moments of my life. We had the best Physical Education teacher ever. And why is that? Because he was lazy andwomanizer. Let me explain. The girls were crazy about him. So to get rid of us he would give us a soccer ball and let us play soccer all day long. That’s right. Play soccer all day long. Oh my God. There was nothing better than that. I do not want to sound rude but I was a fine player. And needless to say I just loved playing soccer. I miss that.

If you are crazy about House, Friends, Big Bang Theory and all the American TV shows you would be crazy about this guy: MacGyver. He could disarm a bomb with a paper clip. Amazing.Awesome. I loved the show. I spent hours thinking about it. ‘How did he do that?’ And I also liked his voice. Not the original but the Brazilian version. I miss that show.

Legião Urbana
Restart? Cine?NXZero? No. No and No. When I was a teenager I had the opportunity to listen to the greatest Brazilian band of all times. Renato Russo was a poet, philosopher, genius. He could right about anything. To give you an idea about his greatness take the song FaroesteCabloco. It is a 10-minute song without a single repetition. Something simply amazing. How could he do that? He was so intelligent that sometimes it was difficult to understand what he wanted to say. For example the song 29. He uses this number a lot of times and I just don’t know why. Some friends of mine don’t like them. They say Legião is depressive. Well, I like them. I miss them.

Resultado de imagem para blue lake film
Blue Lagoon
There was a place near my house where my friends and I used to in the afternoons to swin in a lake. The famous Blue Lagoon. And I remember my nickname was Indio da Lagoa because of my hair. And of course because I loved to go to this place. But I have to confess it wasn’t safe. We had to pass through lots of obstacles to get there and my father once said he didn’t want me to go there. One day it was raining cats and dogs and we diced to go there. My friend almost got killed trying to cross a stream. I really thought he would die. Well, my father found out (damn neighbors) and spanked me. I miss that. I mean, the blue lagoon not the spanking thing.

I hope these examples can help you to have a slight idea of what the word saudade means. And I do hope you have had the chance to feel it.

Eddie – August 2012

terça-feira, 7 de julho de 2015

Até quando...

...teremos receio de sair de casa?
...teremos receio de entrar em casa?
...teremos receio de ficar na rua?

Até quando...
...teremos medo de quem anda a nossa frente?
...teremos medo de quem está atrás?
...teremos medo de quem não conseguimos ver nem a nossa frente nem atrás?

Até quando...
...seremos reféns da violência?
...seremos reféns do medo?
...seremos reféns da impunidade?

Até quando...
...desconfiaremos de uma pessoa andando de moto?
...desconfiaremos de uma pessoa andando de carro?
...desconfiaremos de uma pessoa andando a pé?

Até quando...
...ficaremos preocupados sem saber se nossos filhos voltarão com segurança para casa?
...ficaremos preocupados sem saber se nossos familiares e amigos voltarão com segurança para casa?
...ficaremos preocupados se nós voltaremos com segurança para casa?

Até quando...
...iremos ouvir ‘isso é normal’?
...iremos ouvir ‘acontece em todos os lugares’?
...iremos ouvir o choro dos inocentes?

Até quando...
...teremos policiamento somente depois do ocorrido?
...teremos policiamento somente em grandes eventos?
...teremos NÃO policiamento?

Até quando...
...veremos ‘Direitos Humanos’ defendendo menores criminosos?
...veremos psicólogos defendendo menores criminosos?
...veremos esses menores a tirar vidas de pessoas que amamos?

Até quando...
...testemunharemos nossos amigos chorando a perda de um ente querido?
...testemunharemos políticos prometendo tudo e fazendo nada?
...testemunharemos o crescimento da violência?

No fim de semana uma pessoa muito querida por muitos se tornou mais um numero da cruel estatística da violência. Ele perdeu sua vida. Ou melhor. Sua vida lhe foi tirada por menores infratores que invadiram o seu estabelecimento e não contentes em apenas levar o dinheiro, resolveram levar também a vida de um homem correto e trabalhador.

Giba não era apenas um bom amigo, mas também um bom esposo e pai que teve sua vida interrompida por ‘meninos’ que tenho certeza, se o conhecessem, não fariam o que fizeram. Ao contrário. Comprariam um doce, tomariam um sorvete, trocariam uma ideia. Enfim, teriam um momento agradável.

Infelizmente escolheram o caminho errado e privaram as pessoas de ter mais alguns anos na presença do pai, do esposo, do amigo Giba. E por quê? Por causa de alguns trocados? Por que estavam drogados? Por que se sentem rejeitados pela sociedade? Por que não acreditam no sistema? Por que se acham inferiores?

Espero que os responsáveis por essa atrocidade sejam encontrados e levados à justiça. E que sejam condenados à prisão perpetua. "Aahhh... Não temos isso no Brasil", você irá dizer. "Alias, é capaz de serem presos hoje e soltos amanhã, pois são menores". "Cadê a justiça nisso?". "Podem matar, mas não podem ser presos?".

Essas questões e dúvidas são levantadas devido as leis esdrúxulas do nosso país: a partir de 16 anos você pode votar (claro, isso interessa muito aos políticos), mas se cometer um crime não pode ser julgado como adulto. Que discrepância !!! Está na hora de mudarmos essa lei e o momento é mais que propicio. Vamos apoiar a redução da maioridade penal. 

Há quem dirá que nossas prisões não dariam conta de mais 300 mil pessoas que seriam jogadas lá. Esse  é o problema? Como diria Manuel, meu amigo português, Ora pois... FAÇAM MAIS PRISÕES. E de uma vez por todas vamos mudar de verdade o Código Penal Brasileiro. Caso contrário, teremos pessoas inocentes morrendo pelas mãos de menores infratores e pior, pessoas inocentes se verão no direito de fazer justiça com as próprias mãos uma vez que nossos governantes não fazem nada.

Fica aqui meu abraço e os mais profundos sentimentos ao nosso amigo Fernando e família. Palavras não podem expressar a indignação com a qual recebi notícia tão triste. E por mais que use palavras para tentar diminuir sua tristeza, sei que é impossível. 

Que Deus conforte você e toda sua família nesse momento tão difícil. E que a polícia faça sua parte prendendo os autores de tal atrocidade. E que nossa justiça não seja omissa e coloque esse infratores atrás das grandes.

E fica a pergunta:
Até quando viveremos essa cruel realidade?
Até quando????